About Us

Find your unique Acting style and stand out from crowd.

We will help you challenge yourself and find your unique Acting style. With our training, you will learn to use your personal life experience and imagination to create unique & interesting characters. And when you have a unique quality, no one can ignore you. you get preference in the acting industry, and everybody wants to work with you. You get to work in your desired roles and establish a strong presence in the industry. How can we help you?

Meet Your Mentor

I know how frustrating it can be when there is no one to guide you and you can not see yourself growing. In fact, I also used to struggle with that feeling in my initial theatre days until I discovered something amazing while conducting the classes for my juniors.

I discovered how you can use your personal life experience and imagination to find your unique Acting style. It completely changed my life and perspective towards acting. Now I can teach you the methods I have taught to all my juniors and 50-plus students through online and offline classes.

Prince Kushwaha
Founder- goodact.in

We have 3 courses that will help you find your unique Acting style. Which one suits you?

Live Via Zoom

Batch Enquiry: 6206903258

Online Acting Class

In this class we will teach you acting from scratch with practical application. This class will help you build a strong foundation and find your unique Acting method.

Perfect for: Beginner & Intermediate who wants to start their career with a strong foundation & establish a strong presence in the industry.

In Mumbai

Batch Enquiry: 6206903258

Offline Acting Class

In this class, our major focus will be on characterization and screen acting techniques. This class will make you confident and effortless on camera.

Perfect for: Anyone who wants to learn the techniques of camera acting and take your acting and characterization to the next level.

In Mumbai

Batch Enquiry: 6206903258

Regular Theatre Class

In this class you get the chance to play different characters with other actors through stage plays. This class will help you discover your true self on daily basis.

Perfect for: Experience actors who are looking for improvements and regular acting practice through stage performances.

Our Students Love Our Training

Find Your Unique Acting Style

A PDF guide to help you find your unique Acting style .

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